A Boiler Service, or otherwise known as a boiler check, is simply just that. Its an annual 'check up' of the condition, health and state of your Boiler to see how its performing. Just like you take your vehicle for M.O.T check ups, the same is also true for boilers.
In Short, a Boiler Service is a regular annual check-up of your boiler's condition to ensure its in full working order and to make sure all its parts and components are in prime condition. Like anything in life, if its not maintained and checked up on regularly - it can degrade. So don't let that happen to your boiler!
One of the main reasons of getting your boiler serviced is to ensure that its performing at its absolute optimum levels and doing its jobs correctly. Not having your boiler properly serviced and maintained can lead to many unwanted problems.
The boiler will keep your home warm and supply you with hot water, therefore its vital you make sure this important device is kept fine tuned for those harsh winters - in other words, if you've been ignoring getting your boiler serviced - in time you run the risk of costly repairs to a worn out dysfunctional boiler!
Your Boiler is an integral part of enjoying comfort in your home, therefore the benefits
An annual boiler service will do 4 main things. These are:
1. EXTEND BOILER LIFE - Detect and Prevent any potential faults early before they develop more serious. (mechanical, electronical, physical)
2. ENERGY EFFICIENY - Ensure maximum efficiency and performance from your boiler
3. REDUCE YOUR GAS BILLS - Help reduce your energy bills - we all want to save £££!
4. PROVIDE SAFETY - And perhaps more importantly, keep you and your loved ones SAFE from harms way
The long term benefits are quite simply worth it.
If you decide to prolong a boiler service and check-up, your boiler will over time become more prone to failure and subject to costly repairs as its parts and components will have been subjected to tremendous strain.
By avoiding annual boiler checks and servicing, you run the risk of ending up with a complete breakdown of your boilers service - resulting badly damaged and worn out parts and components. The idea is to avoid ending up having to spend a fortune on a boiler repair!
KAM Heating and Plumbing are Experienced Gas Safe Heating Engineers based in Slough, Berkshire and are on hand to provide you a comprehensive expert boiler service.